Universities lower binding study advice standard

Due to the corona measures, the universities are relaxing the binding study advice. This means that first-year students need to obtain fewer credits to be allowed to continue to the second year. The HBO has not yet taken a joint decision.

Tekst Hoger Onderwijs Persbureau (HOP) - - Minder dan een minuut om te lezen

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Just like last year, the fourteen universities opt for a reduction of the BSA standard by 10 to 15 percent. The exact reduction can vary per study program and the BSA rules can also be further adjusted if the circumstances of a study program make this necessary. As always, there are exceptions for individual students who have found themselves in a pinch.


Universities Association UNL points We point out that many students are dealing with stress and other complaints due to the corona crisis. Relaxing the BSA can remove some of that stress.

The Association of Universities of Applied Sciences expects to make the decision next week. previous academic year HBO was two months faster with the relaxation and the universities wondered whether it was necessary, given the study progress.

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