
Two million for technical VMBO at secondary school

Special secondary education (VSO) will receive extra money for the technical VMBO courses. As a result, the VSO schools now receive just as much additional funding for their technology students as regular VMBO schools. The Ministry of Education announced this today.

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For the basic and senior vocational programs, this amounts to EUR 1325 per technology student in 2018, and EUR 2650 per technology student in 2019. Together, this amounts to one million euros per year. The mixed learning path receives half of that amount. The Ministry of Education, Culture and Science announced this today.

Minister Arie Slob says in it press release of the ministry: 'Some young people in VSO have gifts and talents for technology that we do not want to leave unused. With the extra money we give these students the opportunity to optimally develop their technical skills.' The amounts had already been promised to the House of Representatives.

Not automatically

Vso schools can apply for the money from 1 April (partly with retroactive effect). The amount per student is now equal to what a regular VMBO technology student receives. Because VSO officially falls under primary education, the sector did not automatically receive money intended for regular secondary education.

The extra money is structural. From 2020, the annual euros - a total of 100 million euros is available - will be used on the basis of plans drawn up by VMBO schools together with MBO institutions and the business community in the region. Vso schools that also offer technical pre-vocational secondary education are part of this.

Demand is growing

The schools will receive an extra financial injection because good technology education is badly needed, according to the House of Representatives and the ministry. The demand from the business community for well-trained technical personnel is increasing. At the same time, schools are faced with falling student numbers and a decrease in the proportion of students opting for VMBO technology. The quality of the programs is also under pressure 'due to an imminent teacher shortage', the ministry writes.

Teacher shortage

De AOb recently found that the shortage of teachers in VSO - especially in the science subjects - is already in full swing. Read: 'Teacher shortage in VSO: five hours of physics in one day'.

The editors also reported on the extra money for technical courses at regular secondary schools: 'More money for technology students at pre-vocational secondary education'.

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