
'During my internship I had to borrow extra'

It is high time for a standard internship allowance in education, say the trainees portrayed by the Education magazine. "If schools want to employ more teachers, it starts with attracting people in a good way."

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'Because of my internship, my student debt has increased further'

Mariëlle Pruim is a third-year teacher of geography, Hogeschool Windesheim, Zwolle:

“Before I started geography teacher training, I first studied nursing for a few years. There I received a standard internship allowance, as laid down in the collective labor agreement. It was all the more strange that I received no compensation at all during my internship in the third year of teacher training.

For more than four months I worked at a secondary school with great guidance and nice colleagues. I was in the classroom five hours a week. Including a few hours independently for a regular class 3 havo / vwo. That was quite tough at times, because the class had mainly experienced the corona time until then. Something that was noticeable in the degree of concentration and motivation of the students. If I needed support from an experienced colleague, I could always ask for it.

Fortunately, I still had a part-time job with flexible working hours

I have experienced the cooperation with colleagues as very pleasant. In total I spent 2,5 days a week teaching, discussing and preparing lessons. Fortunately, I had a part-time job with flexible working hours, so that I could still earn some money in addition to my studies and internship. That only partly saved me, because I had to borrow extra during my internship period.

De AOb wants teaching interns to be compensated. The union is aiming for a compensation of 750 euros gross per month for 40 hours of internship per week and then pro rata. For the final stage (lio) collective bargaining agreements have already been made.

Sign up for 750E!

None of my fellow students got paid anything for their internship and we didn't talk about it at school either. It is actually quite strange that my student debt has increased further due to my internship period. When I speak to students from other study programmes, particularly ICT-related, they seem to receive full monthly salaries for their internships. That should be done differently, and especially more centrally. I have already found a nice secondary school for my internship as a teacher in training (lio), which I will start next year. They have already informed me that I will receive an internship allowance and that gives me peace of mind.”


'It really should be arranged differently'

Kasper de Oude is a second-year teacher of history at the Hogeschool Arnhem Nijmegen:

"After I had completed my studies at the conservatory and was sure that I did not want to work in the music industry, I started teacher training. To teach in the future or, if that comes my way, to combine music and education I am now in my second year and will be doing my work placement level 2 (wpl2) internship at an MBO school until the end of the school year.

I have a workplace supervisor from the citizenship section, because history is not taught in secondary vocational education. I teach two fixed days a week. Not independently, because my supervisor is always at the back of the class. Although it sometimes happened that I had to do the lesson alone because my supervisor was unable to attend. That was exciting, but at the same time fun to do and it went well. I experience the guidance as pleasant and good in terms of content, but there is one downside. And that's because of the time my supervisor has for me.

Everyone runs around all day

After the lessons, there is no more than five minutes to evaluate, because she has to go quickly for a meeting, replacement of a sick colleague or consultation. In any case, I notice that the workload at school is high, everyone runs around all day. In addition to two days of internship and half a day to prepare my lessons, I also have two study days a week. This leaves little time for my side jobs in the commercial tutoring industry.

Unlike many classmates, I do receive an internship allowance. Last year I did an internship at a secondary school and got nothing. The 100 euros gross per month that I received in secondary vocational education is more of an insult than a reward. A net amount of 63 euros remains, which I can use to do some shopping. I just manage to make ends meet myself, but it really should be arranged differently. Many of my older fellow students experience a lot of money stress and indicate that they will not be able to afford their studies for much longer.”


'I have four paid side jobs out of necessity'

Erva Calkin is a second year student at the Social Studies teacher training course, Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences:

“Amsterdam secondary schools have agreed not to pay trainees any compensation. I think that's very bad. I do an internship at a school with spicy students and get a lot of shit on me. Half of my class has left. At the same time, I feel that I sometimes have good contact with the students because of my age. I can really contribute to what they learn.

My internship takes more time than the day of the week that is officially set for it. I go to meetings, I'm at Christmas, I do grading. When I get home, I'm too tired to work on my side jobs that day. That should be done on other days. On which I also have lectures and have to do my assignments for school. And then I am also politically active, which I also find very important and fun.

I still live with my parents and don't pay rent, but I do have to pay for my books and I also want to do something fun. Out of necessity I have four paid part-time jobs in education, for example I am a student mentor and give extra lessons. I also enjoy doing that, but if I didn't have to, I would have more peace and time for my internship and studies.

I think a decent internship allowance should be part of a total package in which you as an intern are taken seriously. Are you fully participating? Fortunately, that is the case at my current school.

At first I was in the camp of: trainees mainly take time, but I now look at that very differently

At first I was in the camp of: trainees mainly take time. And: you do an internship for your credits. Now I look at it very differently. If schools want to employ more teachers, it starts with attracting people in a good way. An internship allowance is the first, right step.”

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