
At least 2600 schools closed for nationwide strike

Many students will not be taught this Friday. At least 2.600 schools have been closed due to the national education strike, according to a poll below AObmembers. "We hope that the government will finally invest in the children and that bells will ring", says Henry Kops of primary school De Kleine Wereld in The Hague. "It's about the future of the country."

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"Is your school going down on March 15th?" Asked the AOb last week to its members. Thousands responded to the union's appeal. The vast majority of reports come from primary school teachers. Secondary education teachers and staff from special education (SO), special primary education (SBO) and secondary special education (VSO) also completed the form.

For now, the AOb 2.568 primary schools registered that are closed, the number is still increasing. This number includes the schools for SO, SBO and VSO. These schools fall under the primary education collective labor agreement. In secondary education, 35 secondary schools are at the AOb let them know the doors will close, but this number may also increase further. Due to the large number of responses, the AOb not all results processed yet. The map below shows exactly which schools in the Netherlands are closed in any case. The editors of the Education Magazine will update this map until the strike day.

In Zeeland, the pupils of the public primary school in Wemeldinge are not taught. Director Johan van Westenbrugge says that almost everyone is on strike. "Every day we feel that there are too few teachers," says Van Westenbrugge.


Today he was able to complete the replacement because one of the parents, who is also a teacher, wanted to fill in. “The involvement is high: I received spontaneous registrations, for example from the grandmother of a pupil in our kindergarten. She has teaching qualification. “The principal is already worried about tomorrow when the 8th grade teacher is still ill. "In the worst case, I can put our trainee teacher in front of the class, or I will increase my own workload and in front of the class."

The involvement is high: I spontaneously received registrations, for example from the grandmother of a pupil from our kindergarten class. She has a teaching qualification

Willingness to take action

At the Catholic primary school Pope Joannes in Zaandam, the willingness to take action is also high. Despite the fact that the Christian union CNV Education is not participating in the strike. “It doesn't matter to us,” says director Maarten Catney. "Most people are not members of a union. They mainly rely on what they see themselves every day."

“We have a great need for more hands in the classroom,” he says. “Certainly because of suitable education and the differences in level between students. We want recognition from the government for this. ” Next to the Pope Joannesschool is a secondary school where some parents are also teachers. They have their own child in primary school. Catney: "Then they are talking about the differences with our teachers."


According to school director Henry Kops of the Kleine Wereld, his school will not be closed this Friday because of the salary or the high work pressure, but there are mainly concerns about the growth of new colleagues. Kops: “The school board includes wages, but the willingness to take action is still high. It is a political strike for us. We are a 'black school' and teachers are a scarce resource. That carousel will run again at the end of this school year. I used to get a lot of applications for a vacancy for a kindergarten teacher, now I get zero responses. There are concerns about that. ”

I used to get a lot of applications for a vacancy for a kindergarten teacher, now I get zero responses

many AObmembers who work in the SO, VSO or SBO indicate that their school or one of the locations will be closed. Irene Schaap, location leader of the primary department of Mytylschool De Brug in Rotterdam, says that her school is closed due to the high workload. “Things are constantly being added, but nothing is going off. Every social problem is dropped into education. Yes, our school is closed. ”

Will your school also close this Friday? Let us know via this form. We update the map until strike day.

This post was published on March 12, 2019 and updated every day thereafter with the latest reports of closed schools.

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