Too few classrooms for two hours of gym a week

One in three municipalities (32 percent) does not have enough gymnasiums to allow all primary school pupils to attend gym classes for two hours a week next school year. This is mandatory from next school year.

Tekst Karen Hagen - Redactie Onderwijsblad - - 2 Minuten om te lezen


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An even larger proportion of municipalities see problems in urban areas: almost half say they are faced with a task. Municipalities indicate that there are insufficient gymnasiums, but sometimes also that the distribution of gymnasiums is not optimal. As a result, students have to travel a greater distance to the classroom, which means that a lot of teaching time is lost.

This is shown by research among 172 municipalities of the Mulier Institute, a foundation that conducts research into sports and policy. Education minister Dennis Wiersma (VVD) sent it to the House of Representatives in mid-July. From next school year 2023-2024, it will be mandatory for all primary schools to schedule at least two 45-minute lessons per week for gymnastics.

Starting next school year, primary schools must give 45 minutes of gym class at least twice a week

Bigger question

At the moment, schools are also allowed to use gymnastics locations in municipalities for two lessons, but the researchers at the Mulier Institute write that 'practice shows that not all schools make use of this'. Their survey shows that 39 percent of the municipalities indicate that all schools in that municipality now offer two hours of gym class, 35 percent say that more than half of the schools are involved and 6 percent say that less than half of the schools do so. is doing. Nearly one in ten municipalities indicates that no school achieves the two teaching hours. The researchers therefore expect that the demand for locations for physical education will increase next school year.


The municipalities that have a shortage of gymnasiums do think about alternatives. Most often they mention sports fields, schoolyards, public playgrounds and lawns. Of the municipalities that see bottlenecks, 28 percent want to make extra gyms. The researchers therefore conclude that it will be a big job to enable all schools to realize the two-hour gym for their students.


In addition to a lack of locations, scheduling will also be a challenge. Municipalities are already indicating that this task takes more time, mainly due to the continuous roster. And they foresee discussions, because in the event of a shortage, municipalities will not be able to honor all the preferences of schools. Schools will probably have to spread PE lessons over different locations more often, while the wish is often that this takes place in one location.

In the event of a shortage, municipalities will not be able to honor all the preferences of schools

The minister lets in his letter know that he will talk to various parties, such as the PO council, KVLO, VNG and VSG 'to come up with good solutions locally.'

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