
Steve Jobs schools in a pinch

The Steve Jobs schools are finding it difficult to establish a foothold in the Netherlands. The numbers of schools that the underlying organization calls O4NT are nowhere near being achieved. Maurice de Hond's initiative changed from an idealistic pursuit into a commercial company.

Tekst Joelle Poortvliet - Redactie Onderwijsblad - - Minder dan een minuut om te lezen

steve jobs schools

Picture: Type tank

The Education magazine took a closer look at the schools of Education for a New Age (O4NT), since 2013 the school concept of Maurice de Hond and other educational innovators. The conclusions:


  • More than half of the first Steve Jobs schools are in doubt whether they can continue with the official concept.
  • After the summer six new schools were started, which makes the total number 21 now. Far less than the numbers that Education for a New Era itself publishes.
  • Steve Jobs schools are generally small and shrinking. At the same time, the costs for the concept are increasing. Schools are enthusiastic about content, but it is becoming too expensive for them.
  • O4NT supervises more strictly how the concept is implemented. For example, that children should be able to choose from different 'workshops' at the same time. Small schools often cannot meet these requirements.

Read more? Below is the complete story with a graph of the number of schools and interviews with school principals who started working with O4NT. Maurice de Hond also responds to that story. Download the PFD: Steve Jobs Schools in Trouble

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