
Ask your question to Minister Van Engelshoven

Minister Ingrid van Engelshoven (D66) will take an hour on 10 June to answer questions from MBO staff. She does this live via the YouTube channel of the AOb together with our AObMBO driver Tamar van Gelder. Do you have a pressing question for the minister? Let us know in advance.

Tekst webredactie - - Minder dan een minuut om te lezen


Picture: National government

Submit your question this form through, that is possible until June 8 noon. We make a selection of the most urgent questions and will bundle and examine double questions per theme. On 12.00 June you can follow the live broadcast with the minister via the YouTube channel from 10 to 15.15 pm and who knows, Van Engelshoven will answer your question.

The questions can be about any subject that you as a teacher or support worker are currently encountering. For example, about the situation at MBO institutions in corona times or maybe you are on the works council and would like to know something about it from the minister. Please submit your question via the form, point out the live session to your colleagues and tune in on June 10th.

In brief

When? June 10, 2020 from 15.15 pm to 16.15 pm
Where? YouTube channel of the AOb
You can send in questions via this form until 8 June 2020
Use the #mbo question on social media

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