
State of affairs CAO-po: 'The cabinet must close the pay gap'

Teachers in primary and special education received a considerable salary increase last year, partly because the LA salary scale was abolished. That is the good news. The bad news for teachers is that there is still a large pay gap with colleagues in secondary education. It must be closed.

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A lot of extra money is needed from the cabinet to close the gap. That unfortunately has been a deaf ear to the actions of the education staff for more money - also for other educational sectors. The highlight for the time being is the big demonstration on the Malieveld in March this year.


Despite the fact that the cabinet still does not come to the conclusion, negotiations have started with employers for a new collective labor agreement. “The campaigns were and are aimed at the cabinet, extra money is needed. But in the meantime the current collective labor agreement expired on March 1, ”says AObnegotiator Eugenie Stolk. “And much more is regulated in a collective labor agreement than just money, so we find it irresponsible to wait longer. As long as the cabinet does not think it is done with us. ”

Despite the fact that the cabinet is still not coming across the bridge, negotiations have started with employers for a new collective labor agreement


In the new CLA, the AOb include more emphasis on improving the position of educational support staff. "In the previous collective labor agreement the emphasis was on teachers' salaries, because the coalition agreement specifically made money available for teachers," says Stolk. "Now it is also the turn of the supporters and the directors."

In the previous collective labor agreement, the emphasis was on teachers' salaries. Now it's the turn of the supporters and the directors

At the moment, the AOb for example with the supporters about new job descriptions for support staff and school leaders. After that, the collective labor agreement negotiations with the employers start. “I think it will be clear before the summer holidays whether we will work it out together as employers and employees,” says Stolk.

Pull up

“And again: if a collective labor agreement is reached, it is separate from our claim to the cabinet. We hope that the employers will again want to join us against The Hague. After all, given the current teacher shortages, it is in everyone's interest that the teaching profession becomes attractive again. And that starts with a decent payment. ”

Work division plan

One point from the 'old' collective labor agreement that schools are currently working on is the work division plan. Teams mutually decide how the work will be divided at school. Stolk: “How much time is there for pre and post work, when is the break? The team can now largely decide that for itself. In practice, I see that many teams do indeed take up that role, and I am curious about the results. ”

AObdriver Eugenie Stolk updates you on the latest state of affairs. Watch the update in the video below:

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