
Slob: Three thousand more full-time jobs in primary education

Three thousand full-time employees have been added to primary education. Education minister Arie Slob announced this on his Facebook page. This mainly concerns educational supporters who strengthen school teams in primary schools.

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arie-slob-in-primary school class

Image: Martijn Beekman / National government

With his post on Facebook, the minister is taking an advance on the latest figures that the Education Executive Agency (DUO) will publish on April 1. The reference date of the latest figures is October 2018. It therefore concerns an increase between 1 October 2017 and 1 October 2018.

In the same report, Slob reports that more than a hundred people are 'reintegrators' in education and that 430 teachers who were at home on benefits have returned to work. The minister is already able to report numbers about lateral entrants. In total, almost a thousand side entrants were added to primary education, secondary education and secondary vocational education in 2018.

More than 100 returners and 430 teachers on benefits have returned to work in primary education

In September 2018, it turned out that the subsidy pool for side entrants in primary education was almost had reached the bottom and that schools were denied for new applications. A month later Slob reported to the House that he had 'found' money to supplement the subsidy pot.


'Hopeful signals', like that writes the minister. He thinks these figures show that his approach to combat the teacher shortage is 'worthwhile'. He also mentions the 'extra money' for primary schools to deal with the workload. Earlier said AObchairman Liesbeth Verheggen already thinks it an accounting trick and that only money is brought forward.

Education minister Arie Slob on his Facebook: 'Fortunately, there are hopeful signs that the measures we have already taken are useful'

According to the AOb an investment of four billion euros is needed for the entire education. More than 40 thousand employees from primary, secondary, mbo, hbo and wo to do so on March 15th and thousands of primary schools were closed.


In response to the strike, SP Member of Parliament Peter Kwint requested a debate on 19 March. '40.000 teachers, from kindergarten teachers to professors, came to the Malieveld to express their dissatisfaction with the state of education and to call on the cabinet to do more,' says Kwint. 'It's up to us to start the debate on that.' For his proposal for a debate, Kwint received support from GroenLinks, PvdA and D66, among others.

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