
School boards hold their own pre-strike events

The Zeeland primary school boards will first hold their own manifestation in the Zeelandhallen in Goes on 5 October and then leave for The Hague. In Tilburg, the Tangent school board is holding a farewell campaign.

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“We want to make the Zeeland sound heard by politicians,” says Pim van Kampen, director of Nobego, which includes ten primary schools for public education. He is the initiator of the 'Zeeland action' in the Zeelandhallen, which starts on 5 October at nine o'clock. The governor especially wants to cultivate unanimity with the manifestation, all administrations except for the reformational ones, participate. Van Kampen: “I expect that there will be several hundred teachers. The program lasts about an hour: there is music, we mainly want to let teachers speak and then leave for The Hague. ”

Make it more attractive

Van Kampen meets once a month with other education administrators in Zeeland. “We agreed that we want to support the action. We do this, among other things, by continuing to pay wages.” The workload at primary schools is also high in Zeeland, which is by far the most important argument for striking and holding the demonstration. “We want more hands in the classroom and the profession must be made more attractive,” says Van Kampen. In the coming years, more teachers will retire than the teacher training colleges will have students.

We want to make sure that the Zeeland sound is heard by politicians

In Tilburg, the Brabant school board of Tangent, with sixteen primary schools and about six hundred employees, is holding a goodbye campaign. Board secretary Jolanda van Leuven is busy with the organization. “The idea is to get everyone to one school location. The chairman of the board will speak and we will insert a goodbye moment for those who go to The Hague to strike. ” Tangent's students were already free on October 5 because it was Teacher's Day. The school did cancel the workshops for that day.

Van Leuven estimates that about 130 teachers will go to The Hague. “Our school board also pays the staff that day. We stand behind the action. ”

AObdirector Tamar van Gelder finds the warm up in the region 'very beautiful'. "That is certainly something we encourage. As long as the teaching staff then travels to The Hague for the big event that starts at 13.00 p.m.."

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