
'School must have a policy for cell phones in class'

Employers must establish clear rules for the use of cell phones in the classroom. That says Marcel Crum, head of the legal service AOb, in response to a case of two teachers who were secretly filmed.

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School directors sometimes reason very simply, Crum knows, who responds to one case where two teachers were secretly filmed. Cell phones are not allowed in the classroom, so if problems arise with them, the teacher is to blame. End case. "But that is really too short sighted. In this way, you let teachers individually fight against the improper use of mobile phones in the classroom. A battle that can hardly be won: it is difficult to search thirty students upon entry."


The question is therefore not whether there will be incidents with cell phones in the classroom, but where and when. Crum: “And in that case, as an employer, you have a duty of care: you must protect your people against potential problems. This is laid down in the Working Conditions Act. The first step is to draw up a good policy. ”

That way, not all teachers have to enter into conflict with their class themselves. ”

That policy should not only consist of the sentence that mobile phones are prohibited in the classroom. There must also be on paper what happens if a student is caught. And, for example, what the sanctions are if a student records sound or images in the classroom. And what if that sound or image fragment is shared on social media.

Crum: “Policy does not ensure that problems are avoided, but that everyone knows where they stand if something does happen. That way, not all teachers have to enter into conflict with their class themselves. ”

Trade union

If schools fail in drawing up policy or in supporting teachers, then according to Crum it is possible to call in the inspectorate of Social Affairs and Employment via the trade union or participation council. “That inspection has a task in the field of social safety. It can initiate an investigation or demand compliance with the Working Conditions Act. The employer is obliged to meet that requirement. ”

Parliamentary questions

Minister Slob also wants schools to draw up rules for the use of mobile phones in the classroom and for sharing the images. He announced that today answer to parliamentary questions of the VVD. The minister has asked the School and Safety Foundation to expand its range of support on this point. According to Slob, in exceptional cases a school can also go to court or the Dutch Data Protection Authority.

Also read: Secretly filmed: never again uninhibited in front of the classroom

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