
Salary ceiling for directors has risen by leaps and bounds

The cabinet will allow directors of large educational institutions to earn 194 thousand euros next year, 13 thousand euros more than last year. The statutory maximum will also increase by 7 to 8 percent in two years for directors of medium-sized and smaller organizations. The wrong signal, says the AOb.

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What is going on? The Cabinet published recently the new standards of the Top Income Standards Act (wnt) for 2019. These standards are indexed every year. What administrators are allowed to earn in education depends on the size and 'complexity' of their institution. There have been seven statutory salary classes since 2016, the highest of which corresponds to the ministerial salary.

In the coming year, this ministerial standard will rise to 194 thousand euros (including pension and expense allowance). That is an increase of more than 7 percent compared to 2017, when the upper limit was still 181 thousand. The maximum also grows in the salary classes below. A director of a medium-sized educational organization was allowed to earn 141 thousand euros last year. Next year that will be 152 thousand euros, an increase of almost 8 percent.

Statutory maximum remuneration for board members of education

Class 2017 2018 Increase % 2019 Increase % 2017-2019 Increase %
A € 107.000 € 111.000 3,7 € 115.000 3,6 € 8.000 7,5
B € 118.000 € 122.000 3,4 € 127.000 4,1 € 9.000 7,6
C € 129.000 € 133.000 3,1 € 138.000 3,8 € 9.000 7,0
D € 141.000 € 146.000 3,5 € 152.000 4,1 € 11.000 7,8
E € 153.000 € 158.000 3,3 € 164.000 3,8 € 11.000 7,2
F € 165.000 € 171.000 3,6 € 177.000 3,5 € 12.000 7,3
G* € 181.000 € 189.000 4,4 € 194.000 2,6 € 13.000 7,2

* Remuneration class G is equal to the ministerial salary. The maximum for 2018 is increased in the meantime from 187.000 to 189.000 euros

“The maximum increases on average by more than 3,5 percent per year. The government allows administrators to make more progress than the teaching staff ”, responds AObdriver Douwe van der Zweep. "There is no justification for that."

For supervisors, the remuneration ceiling automatically shifts upwards. Their remuneration is linked to the same salary maximum: a maximum of 15 percent for the chairman of the supervisory board and 10 percent for members.

Whole thousands

The statement appears from the explanation. The ministerial standard has been raised in two steps. Once on the basis of contractual wage development in the government as determined by the Central Bureau of Statistics and which is monitored annually. In addition, ministerial wages have risen retroactively thanks to the new collective labor agreement for government employees.

Then the wnt standard is always rounded up to whole thousands. That pushes the maximum further up. According to a spokesperson for the Ministry of the Interior, this was decided in 2015 'because a round amount is more practical in implementation and communication. Moreover, there was no objection in it, because the remuneration maximum is a ceiling and not an actual wage increase. '

Own collective labor agreement

The fact that the maximums of the remuneration classes will increase by thousands of euros does not mean that directors will see their salary increase just as fast. Directors have concluded their own collective labor agreements with the association of supervisors. In the collective labor agreement for administrators in primary education, for example, it has been agreed that the wage increase for staff will be monitored. Some of the directors make other agreements with their own supervisors outside of these collective labor agreements.

New directors can immediately bet higher in their salary negotiations. Even drivers who earned above the norm can benefit immediately. Annual reports show that last year some of the directors still earn more than their salary class allows. This is allowed temporarily, because they make use of a transitional arrangement. But they will have to gradually reduce their salary in the coming years. Thanks to the raising of the standard, they have to hand in less or nothing.

I think that staff in education would also like to round up their salary to whole thousands

De AOb speaks of a wrong signal and is dissatisfied per brief made known. AObdirector Douwe van der Zweep: “A double indexing is absolutely undesirable. Just like rounding to thousands. Nor do we do that in the collective labor agreements. I think that staff members in education would also like to round up their salary to whole thousands. What the AOb administrators in education belong in the collective labor agreement for staff. " A majority of the House of Representatives passed a motion to that effect in April.

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