
Arithmetic counts towards diploma as part of school exams

Secondary schools and MBO institutions are now allowed to take arithmetic tests themselves and determine how they interpret the subject of arithmetic at their school. The subject will be part of the school exams and will soon count towards the diploma at all school levels.

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math test

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'In order to guarantee good math skills for secondary and higher vocational students, it is important that arithmetic is given a permanent place in the curriculum and in determining the results.' Education ministers Ingrid van Engelshoven (D66) and Arie Slob (ChristenUnie) write this in a brief which was sent to the Lower House last Friday. In the letter, the ministers announced their long-awaited plans for the mathematics profession.

The national arithmetic test - which currently does not count towards the final exam - will come to an end with the new plans. From now on, schools are allowed to take the math tests themselves and determine when and at how many times they test. Schools are also given the freedom to turn it into one subject or to integrate arithmetic into other subjects. In secondary education, it becomes part of the PTA, the assessment and completion program.

Just like secondary schools, intermediate vocational education institutions are given the freedom to make their own institutional exams. Institutions could, for example, make a special math exam for students of care or technology.


The ministers announced that the figure for arithmetic does not immediately count towards the diploma because schools have to prepare for the new policy. The mark only counts for secondary school students who are in the penultimate exam year in 2019-2020 and they may not obtain a lower score than 4, just as with other exam subjects. The grade is also listed separately on the grade list. Current students in MBO will not have to deal with it either. In this educational sector, arithmetic only counts from 2019-2020 for students (levels 2 to 4) who start a study program. They must also get at least a 4 for math.

A new episode in the soap of the math test

The new plans of the education ministers for arithmetic are an advance on the curriculum renewal and also apply until there is a new curriculum.


AObMBO administrator Tamar van Gelder is pleased that the ministry provides the MBO with clarity about the arithmetic test and that schools can now decide for themselves how they test and offer arithmetic education. "That is especially good in MBO with all the different directions." Van Gelder is also pleased that the test will count towards the diploma. “At the moment, students participate in a test circus for their mathematics subject, but it does not count towards their diploma. That is not good for motivation. ” Van Gelder does find it 'strange' that MBO students can get a 4 for the math test. "You can still get your diploma with an unsatisfactory mark."

"A new episode in the soap of the arithmetic test." So calls AObhead of secondary education Henrik de Moel the letter from the ministers. De Moel does not think it is a bad idea to include the math test in the school exam. “But I see that my colleagues find constant changes in calculations very annoying. This measure will also mean a lot of work. ”

Math teachers

The Dutch Association of Mathematics Teachers (NVvW) believes that the plans of the ministers focus too much on testing and not on arithmetic education itself. The association has always been very critical of the national arithmetic test and advocates it as soon as possible integration of math lessons in mathematics. In this way, students can achieve and maintain the correct level. According to the association, students benefit more from good math education than a one-off test.

MPs Paul van Meenen (D66) and Michel Rog (CDA) also think that the minister is too reliant on tests instead of good math education.

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