
Petition PO front signed 351.860 times

The petition from the PO front has been signed a total of 351.860 times by teachers, parents and other sympathizers. Thijs Roovers and Jan van de Ven of PO in Actie have just announced this together with the education unions and education employers at Malieveld in The Hague. “Check this, check!”, Said Jan van de Ven.

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PO front action Malieveld

Teachers in PO primary education campaign with PO-front for less work pressure and better salary

"It is unbelievable. This is really fantastic, especially the support from parents is also brilliant to see ”, said Roovers just before the final score was announced. All education unions took the stage together with the AVS and the PO council that represent the school boards. Presenter and sports journalist Barbara Barend presented the event. “There was nothing I could do but support this action,” she said to the teachers present at Malieveld.


Teachers PO (primary education) take action. Photo: Fred van Diem.



Since 6 June, everyone could sign the petition from the PO front for a fair salary and less work pressure. People did this en masse: after just a few days, the first hundred thousand signatures were collected. Last Friday, the petition had already been signed more than a quarter of a million times. The final final score is more than 351 thousand signatures. 34 percent of them are teachers. The other signatures came from parents with 45 percent and 21 percent were from other sympathizers.

When the petition was handed over, Roovers called on politicians to really work on what the signatories want. “We ask you if you really want to go into the negotiations for a fair salary and less work pressure. We deserve that. ”

Loud and clear

VVD MP Bente Becker responded: “There is formation and we are going to make an effort. Your signal has come through loud and clear. ” Member of Parliament Michel Rog of the CDA argued for more support, but also pointed to the function mix that had not yet been implemented. Paul van Meenen of D66 will also do his best for the teachers, but said that not all requirements can be met at once.

Party leader Jesse Klaver of Groenlinks: “I am proud that you are here with so many. If it is insufficient, we will stay by your side. It's about the quality of education. ” Outgoing Minister of Social Affairs Lodewijk Asscher informed the teachers at Malieveld that if the old cabinet still has to make a budget, money will come in for teachers as far as the PvdA is concerned. "You are the first to act," said Asscher on the podium.

Live up

Teacher Roovers hopes that the beautiful words will come true. “We will keep an eye on you and if necessary we will be back here. But then the whole field is full, because we are growing every day. I am proud of my colleagues. ”

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