
Bullying is on the decline in high schools

The number of students bullied in secondary schools has further decreased compared to two years ago. In primary education, about the same number of pupils as in 2016 indicated that they were victims of bullying.

Tekst Karen Hagen - redactie Onderwijsblad - - Minder dan een minuut om te lezen


Image: Pixabay

Today Minister Arie Slob for Primary and Secondary Education (ChristenUnie) sent new figures about bullying to the House of Representatives. He did this because of 'The Week against Bullying' which runs until September 21.

The complete report of the Security Monitor will not be published until the end of this year. Only the figures on bullying have been extracted today and compared to the years 2014 and 2016. Bullying behavior has remained stable in primary schools: in 2016, 11 percent of pupils reported being bullied. This year it is 10 percent; 3 percent of primary school students report that they deal with bullies on a weekly or daily basis.

The decrease in bullying continues in secondary schools, according to the researchers of the Safety Monitor. In 5, 2018 percent of students reported being bullied, compared to 11 percent in 2014 and 8 percent in 2016.


There are few differences in the way students are bullied in the two educational sectors. This is most often done personally, as in 45 percent of cases in secondary education. This is followed by bullying via Whatsapp, Facebook and email (cyberbullying). Primary school students bully face to face in 66 percent of the cases.

Pupils from special secondary education and practical training were also questioned in the Safety Monitor. There, 13 percent indicate that they are bullied.


Since 1 August 2015, schools are required by law to combat bullying. Minister Slob gives the schools a compliment, but also warns that attention must not be allowed to drop. "Even with the new figures, it is still an average of one or two children in each class who have to deal with bullying behavior," writes Slob. Also out figures on the website of the Kindertelefoon shows that bullying is still a problem. Most phone calls in 2017 were about this topic.

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