
Out-of-home care for the most vulnerable children

For some children with 'psychological or behavioral problems' childcare is provided outside the home. This option also applies to children in unsafe home situations. Municipalities must identify these children and come up with tailor-made solutions.

Tekst Joëlle Poortvliet - redactie Onderwijsblad - - 2 Minuten om te lezen


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Education minister Arie Slob sent this afternoon an update to the House of Representatives about distance learning in primary education. In it he writes that 'for some children education and care in the home (or living) situation is not a good option'. In specific cases, shelter, education and supervision outside the home is necessary and 'that is permitted', according to the minister.

Slob is thinking here of children for whom their home is unsafe, for example due to domestic violence or psychiatric problems of a parent, some children with behavioral problems or psychological complaints and children in youth care institutions.

Domestic violence

It is not clear in the letter which party involved decides who the specific cases are. However, Safe Home, the Council for Child Protection and family supervisors can play a role. And that the initiative lies with the municipality to get a picture of these children and to come up with solutions. This is not necessary in all cases in the school, according to the minister. "That's not possible either," he writes. Slob does ask teachers to remain alert to signs of domestic violence and child abuse. 'Especially now that they no longer see all their students in real life in everyday life, I ask them to (...) be aware of the safety of the children's environment.'

Let's give children with behavioral problems a place again as soon as possible

Yesterday, Youth Care Netherlands made an appeal in the TV program 1Today. Annemarie Profittlich, director of the youth care institution Entrea Lindenhout, said that schools in special education should reopen as soon as possible for children with behavioral problems: 'You can look carefully for which children it is really necessary, but let's get there as soon as possible offer a place for it again.' There is now a childcare organization in Dordrecht that also opens its doors to vulnerable families, it writes AD.

Free Internet

In the letter Minister Slob also discusses students who do not receive the devices have for distance learning. He is making 2,5 million euros available for laptops in primary, secondary and secondary vocational education. KPN also offers thousands of households free wireless internet, so that distance learning is still possible. In addition, there are students who cannot be properly supervised by their parents in their school work. For example, because the parents do not have a good command of Dutch. According to Slob, the schools already have a good idea of ​​which children need extra care. He already sees customization in many places to 'guarantee the development of children in a vulnerable position'.

Also read: 'Corona crisis hits vulnerable students hard'

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