
The Education Council wants one basic authority for teachers

The current separate competences for primary education and secondary education / MBO must be replaced by one broad basic competence for all teachers. The Education Council advises this. The new structure will, according to the council, offer teachers more career opportunities and will also help solve the teacher shortage in primary education.

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According to the Education Council, the government's advisory body, the core of teaching is the same for all educational sectors and all subjects. A teacher develops education, provides education and evaluates education: 'That is the essence of the teaching profession', according to the Council.

In addition to these basic competencies, teachers need specific knowledge and skills to teach certain subjects and certain groups of students.

AObchair Liesbeth Verheggen: 'This is a very far-reaching and broad advice'

The council is now proposing a model in which teachers, in addition to the broad basic competence, can train themselves in certain subjects and specializations for various educational sectors. This could happen during teacher training and later in the career. The Education Council does not provide a blueprint for the classification of the clusters and specializations.


“This is very drastic and broad advice,” says AObchairman Liesbeth Verheggen as the first reaction. “It could even lead to one collective labor agreement for all education sectors, which is a very interesting thought. We will of course discuss this plan with our members in the near future. What they think of it will also depend on the practical implementation of the proposals. In any case, it will lead to a lot of discussion, but that's good: it will take you further. ”

Read the entire report of the Education Council via this link.

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