
First grade teaching support staff

Educational support staff (oop) do not get the appreciation they deserve. That is about to change, because 29-year-old Rosalinde Stins has joined the aging board of the AObgroup oop. She's coming to shake things up.

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Image: Rob Niemantsverdriet

Sounds good!

"Hell yes. With great pleasure and dedication I want to help raise the position and appreciation of educational supporters to a higher level. ”

And who are you?

“I have been working as a supporter at mbs de Fontein in Lelystad for six years now. In addition, I am (currently still an unauthorized) teacher in the upper years at Onze Toekomst in Amsterdam, a private school. Furthermore, I recently started working one day a week AObconsultant in the East district and for a year now also a board member of the oop group. ”


“The Maharishi Primary School. We meditate twice a day and are a regular primary school. I once wanted to do an internship here out of curiosity. Later I got a job. Lelystad has had a 'meditation district' where about four hundred people live and work for thirty years, the so-called Sidhadorp. ”

You seem like a jack of all trades.

“At home in many markets. That makes my life interesting.

How did you get to the AOb ended up?

“I am immensely annoyed by the fact that oopers are always in second rank. Out of dissatisfaction, I reported to the Groene Golf, the young teacher group of the AOb. Nice conversations, but in the end I was not allowed to join: I am not yet a qualified teacher. I was very welcome at the group.”

How did the introduction go?

“I thought I was going on some sort of job interview, but the first time I immediately joined their meeting. Three men my father's age with an attitude of "if it doesn't work out today, maybe tomorrow." I immediately felt welcome, perhaps I will be able to accelerate it. I have already found a fifth board member. Younger than those men and slightly older than me, but also a woman working in primary education. ”

What is the biggest problem among supporters?

“All those hour contracts, half jobs and the fact that you are still in front of the class quite regularly, for example to deal with absenteeism. We really do a lot more than our job is big. But we never get the matching salary. In any case, career opportunities are limited in schools. While as an unauthorized person I could of course also be a language or math coordinator. ”

What will the oopers in the country notice about you?

“I'm going to organize oop cafes. So that these loners can exchange experiences at school. We should also investigate whether this is possible via social media. So that we also hear a little earlier and more often what is going on among our supporters. "

And the AOb?

“I now also attend meetings of the primary school sector council. There the stake is determined from the AOb for collective bargaining. I will make the sound of 'my kind' more heard there.

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