Minister: university approach to work stress could be better

Outgoing Minister Van Engelshoven agrees with the Labor Inspectorate: the universities are not tackling the high workload and undesirable behavior at the root. And extra government money alone is not the solution.

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At the beginning of 2020, the protest movement WOinAction, together with trade unions, stepped down AOb and FNV, to the labor inspectorate. They deposited over 700 reports of structural overtime at the universities. The labor inspectorate stated an investigation into the 'psychosocial workload'. She also included previous signals about misconduct and intimidation in science.

Symptom relief

The many plans against the workload will probably not help enough, was the conclusion this summer. They are too focused on the individual, while not addressing the source of the problems. The Inspectorate spoke of a risk of 'symptom control'.

The universities themselves cited the underfunding by the ministry and the shortage of research grants as an important cause. But according to the Inspectorate, there was a lack of essential changes that the universities could implement themselves.

Inappropriate behaviour

Another point of criticism was that the universities pay too little attention to undesirable behavior and discrimination. It is often unclear who is responsible and authorized to deal with them. Also, the aftercare for victims does not seem to be well organised.

Outgoing Minister Van Engelshoven now concludes that the personnel policy of the universities could be improved. She wants to talk to them about, among other things, the academic work culture, the many temporary contracts and other undesirable incentives in the system.

Minister van Engelshoven now concludes that the personnel policy of the universities could be improved

New cabinet

Referring to research by PwC and the Weckhuysen Committee, she acknowledges that the extra financial resources requested by the universities are needed to reduce the problems surrounding work pressure, application pressure and stress. But she leaves the decisions on this to a new cabinet.

Like the labor inspectorate, she emphasizes that extra resources alone are not enough. 'Even within budgetary limits, there must be a thorough approach to work pressure and work stress, in a safe environment in which there may be no discrimination and intimidation.'

The minister wants to talk to the universities about the academic work culture, the many temporary contracts and other undesirable incentives

Request pressure

Van Engelshoven also commented on an action plan by research funder NWO and the university association VSNU to reduce the application pressure – and thus the workload – among researchers. She considers the measures taken as “first steps that deserve a solid follow-up.”

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