
Minister does not take away 'inconvenience' about the teacher's grant

Give rejected teachers their teacher grant, D66 and CDA tell the cabinet. But Education Minister Arie Slob really cannot take away the 'inconvenience', he repeated yesterday.

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As many as 2400 teachers were dismissed when they applied for a teacher grant. The money had run out and that should never have happened. The Lower House was only informed when it was too late.

So D66 and CDA ask whether the cabinet can solve the problem this month. For example, take the money out of the pot for next year, the two government parties suggest. Then there will be another problem next year, responded SP MP Peter Kwint. Because then the jar is already empty before teachers start applying.

Quick solution

It's just a suggestion for a quick solution, replied D66 petitioner Paul van Meenen. This will indeed create a hole in the budget for next year, but that is of later concern. There is still plenty of time to tackle that (new) problem. If the minister knows a different solution, it is fine too.

You know we turned everything upside down

Minister Slob underlined that he also gave the answers on behalf of Minister Ingrid van Engelshoven. “You know that we turned everything upside down to see if we could do something about the discomfort around this topic, which we were also feeling,” he said.

75 seats

But in the meantime, GroenLinks, SP and PvdA have also signed the motion. The five parties together account for 75 seats, so only one small group has to vote or the motion has a majority. The House of Representatives will vote on it on Thursday. The minister can disregard the motion.

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