
Majority Chamber agrees with Teachers' Register

A large majority of the House of Representatives approved the Teachers' Register this afternoon. From 2017, teachers from primary education, secondary education and MBO must be included in the register.

Tekst Karen Hagen - Redactie Onderwijsblad - - Minder dan een minuut om te lezen

The PvdA, VVD, CDA, PVV, GroenLinks and 50Plus voted in favor of the law. D66, ChristenUnie and the SP were against. Member of Parliament Eppo Bruins (ChristenUnie) saw many problems. 'There is no money, there are flawed rules about unauthorized persons and there is too little time and space for teachers.' The SP also had difficulty with the bill and wanted a survey among teachers to see if they really like the register. But there was insufficient support in the Lower House for this motion by the SP.

Due to the large majority in the House of Representatives, it is very likely that the Senate will approve the law.

Teacher shortage

During the debate on the law, GroenLinks and the PvdA submitted a motion for a plan to solve the teacher shortages in all education sectors. In that plan, the government should also consider issues such as career prospects, pay and work pressure. This motion has been passed.

The law to which the House agrees does not only concern the Register of Teachers, but also the position of the teacher, control over the profession and the professional space. The AOb has always been in favor of this law.

60 thousand

Today reports State Secretary Sander Dekker of Education states that about 60 teachers are registered in the register. About half of the teachers have completed the entire registration process, the rest are still in the process of supplementing their portfolio. The Education Cooperative let know that a thousand teachers enroll every week.

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