
More foothold in higher education

Primary and secondary education are the largest sectors within the AOb, but that does not mean that there is no attention for higher education. “On the contrary”, says Coba van der Veer, sector consultant for higher professional education. "We are working hard on that."

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Image: Rob Niemantsverdriet


“There is a lot to be gained in higher education for the union. A stronger position of the AOb also benefits higher education and the people in that sector. I am working hard on that positive reinforcement. Since last September also as secretary of the national higher education sector council of the AOb. "

Ah, fresh blood in the ranks?

“Nice that you ask this, because people often think that I am younger than I am. Yet I have been working in education for a long time. First at a mavo, then an mbo and since 2003 at the Christian University of Applied Sciences in Ede. There I am a teacher of Dutch at the teacher training college. A year and a half ago I saw an advertisement in the Education Magazine. A little later I was a sector consultant for one day a week. Through this job I want to contribute to the necessary quality improvements in the sector. ”

What do you do about that?

“For the time being, mainly sow a lot and not harvest much yet. In district East I focus on thirteen higher professional education institutions. I am very busy building a network in all those schools. Enjoy pioneering, hand out flyers, visit coffee rooms and initiate meetings. We want to know better what is important and what is needed in higher professional education. So that we can better translate those needs into the next collective labor agreement. ”

What do you encounter?

“It is mainly about work pressure, work pressure and work pressure. I met someone who had started working one day less, from five to four. For the first time she had the idea that she had a five-day working week. Many people have questions about 'sustainable employability'; a way to save hours that you can take as you see fit. Sounds great, but if you want to spend those hours on free time or a sabbatical, there must be a replacement. There are often no replacements. So with this scheme we have to do something with the next collective labor agreement. ”

Do you forward such wishes to 'Utrecht'?

“I bring them myself, because I have been secretary of the national sector council since last autumn. A club of sector consultants, district administrators, a principal administrator and representatives of a number of colleges. We are still looking for committed colleagues, preferably one from each institution, so that as many HBO schools as possible are represented in the sector council. ”

Wasn't there also a merger with another higher education association?

“The Vawo, the trade union for science, has merged with the AOb. I think it is good for the people who work in scientific education that this joining of forces has been realized. After all, together you are stronger. "

And what do you want to be when you grow up?

“For the time being I am a satisfied person. Teaching one and a half days a week and one and a half days for the bond. I am very enthusiastic that I can now also deal with the quality of education outside the classroom. The AOb is also a pleasant 'flat' and enthusiastic organization to work for. ”


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