
More non-Western students are attending HAVO and VWO

The proportion of Moroccan, Surinamese, Turkish and Antillean pupils with a HAVO or VWO recommendation has increased over the past ten years. Participation among these groups of pupils at the highest level of MBO-4 also increased in secondary vocational education. This is evident from the 2018 Annual Integration Report of the Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS).

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Ten years ago, 33 percent of Moroccan eighth-graders received a recommendation for HAVO or VWO, last year this share had risen to 42 percent. The percentage of Turkish students also jumped from 31 to 38 percent in the same time period. Surinamese and Antillean pupils from group 8 were also more often referred to HAVO or VWO. Nevertheless, the share of these four groups in 2016/2017 remains lower than the 59 percent of Dutch students.


In the third year of secondary school it is clear which type of school pupils are definitely following. The share of Moroccan students enrolled in a HAVO / VWO class in their third year rose the most: in 2016/2017 almost one in three of Moroccan students was in a HAVO / VWO class. Twelve years earlier, it was still one in five students. 'Moroccan pupils attend HAVO / VWO more often than pupils with a Turkish or Antillean background', according to the investigation report from CBS.

More than half of the students from Iran are in a HAVO or VWO class

The figures in the CBS report also show that Iranian students attend HAVO or VWO more often than Dutch students. 'More than half of the students from Iran were in a HAVO or VWO class in the 2017/2018 school year,' according to the CBS.

Educational disadvantage

CBS researcher Tanja Traag thinks that the increase has to do with the fact that parents themselves are more often highly educated, as a result of which their children receive a 'more natural transfer' from home.

In addition, part of the increase may be due to the extra attention to educational disadvantages, according to Traag. “For example, a lot of attention was paid to inequality of opportunity when it came to giving school advice in group 8. This has been adjusted, the teacher now gives the advice first and only then do the students take the test.” Traag predicts that the differences between students with a non-Western migration background and Dutch students will become increasingly smaller in the coming years.


The same kind of movement to higher levels can be seen in MBO. The share of Surinamese, Turkish, Antillean and Moroccan students has increased in the past ten years at MBO level 4. Almost half of the MBO students with a Turkish, Moroccan or Surinamese background were at level 4. These groups mainly include economics. popular.


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