
Limburg village schools terminate iPad education contract

The four primary schools of the Maasdal Catholic Education Foundation (SKOM) are not yet switching to iPad education. The foundation terminated the contract with Maurice de Hond's O4NT organization, better known as Steve Jobsscholen.

Tekst Karen Hagen - Redactie Onderwijsblad - - Minder dan een minuut om te lezen

The four primary schools of the Maasdal Catholic Education Foundation (SKOM) are not yet switching to iPad education. The foundation terminated the contract with Maurice de Hond's O4NT organization, better known as Steve Jobsscholen.

Last January it became known that there was a conflict between then-general director Ben van Lieshout of the four village schools in Thorn, Beegden, Wessem and Heel and the school board. In June 2016, Van Lieshout signed a contract with O4NT (Education for the New Age) worth 150 euros.


"At the time, the company acted too prematurely by signing the contracts," says Jack Cox of the SKOM board. 'As a board we then intervened by suspending the introduction of O4NT.' The general manager was fired because the board and the director disagreed about the risks that the introduction would entail. The possible introduction was then postponed for a year.


A letter to the parents at the end of last week now shows that the introduction of iPad education in collaboration with O4NT has been discontinued. 'The contract was completely dissolved in consultation', writes Roland Sniekers, chairman of SKOM. The reason is that the long-term financial consequences remain insufficiently transparent for the board, Sniekers writes. A trial at one school is too expensive, according to the chairman. Cox announces that O4NT has accommodated the school with the notice period.

The dissolution of this contract does not mean that there will be no educational reform at all in the schools. SKOM is now going to think about this.

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