
Limburg driver stays longer despite exam drama

The chairman of the board of the Limburg Secondary Education Foundation (LVO), André Postema, is allowed to stay on as board member for another two years. Despite the exam scandal last summer, the supervisory board decided this yesterday. The House of Representatives wants to discuss this with education minister Arie Slob.

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Postema's contract expires on 1 November this year. Yesterday Jan Schrijen, chairman of the supervisory board, announced that Postema can stay on for another two years. The supervisory board decides whether directors may stay longer or not. Schrijen says that the contract extension is related to the earlier decision shortly after the exam drama at VMBO Maastricht to allow Postema to continue as a director.

Great significance

'Naturally, the supervisory board is aware of the public and political discussion about its position. On the other hand, it is precisely in this turbulent period that his experience and knowledge of the total organization of LVO is of great importance, 'explains Schrijen in a message on the LVO website.

Jan Schrijen, Supervisory Board of LVO: 'On the other hand, his experience and knowledge of the entire organization of LVO are of great importance, especially in this turbulent period'

The board wants to await the current investigations and only then judge the responsibility of the director.

Last June came the exam drama to light and 354 exams were declared invalid at VMBO Maastricht, part of LVO. The school made major mistakes: grades were incorrectly registered, many tests were not taken. An interim director was appointed to put things in order. Minister Slob also hinted earlier in a debate that he was not happy that Postema was staying.


In response to this news, the House of Representatives wants a debate with Minister Arie Slob. Member of Parliament Michel Rog (CDA) calls it 'astonishing' on Twitter and submitted written questions. He wants to know from Slob whether he has the option to reverse the decision of the supervisory board. Peter Kwint, MP for the SP, also finds the extension incomprehensible and wants to debate quickly.
Member of Parliament Harm Beertema (PVV) left it Algemeen Dagblad know that the PVV wants the minister to receive more legal resources. 'The supervisory boards and executive boards have all the power and live in their own moral bubble.'

In July stopped Postema does, however, with his position as party leader of the PvdA in the Senate. He stayed on as a senator.

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