
Teacher enticed with living and parking space

School boards and municipalities are trying to lure teachers at various places in the Netherlands. They have to be fast, because within five years the shortages will be noticeable in all regions and there is hardly any more to shift.

Tekst Joëlle Poortvliet - Redactie Onderwijsblad - - 2 Minuten om te lezen


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Amsterdam offers a parking permit for those who come from far away and want to teach in the capital. The Rotterdam school board RVKO arranges cheap rooms for starting teachers from the east of the Netherlands. And in Zeeland you will soon be able to work part-time at school and as an employee from day one that you start with the pabo.


Rotterdam in particular appears to be creative in luring teachers. For example, the city's 5.000 euros welcome bonus already existed, the Thomas More teacher training college offers a job guarantee and the municipality will look for potential masters and teachers at sports clubs, scouting and in secondary and secondary vocational education.

At the beginning of September, alderman Hugo de Jonge announced the Telegraph that he focuses, among other things, on 'women with older children' who have a PABO diploma, but have opted for a different career. He's going to figure out how to get them back to class.

Top three

It is not illogical that Rotterdam is moving. When it comes to the labor market, the government has divided the Netherlands into 39 regions and cities. The Ministry of Education (OCW) commissioned research agency Centerdata to de estimate shortages. They are the first to be largest in Amsterdam, Rotterdam and De Gelderse Vallei. Primary education of:

  1. Amsterdam will have employment of 4636 full-time jobs (FTE) in five years' time. Of these, 525 FTEs are vacancies. A deficit of 11 percent.
  2. Rotterdam will have employment of 3818 FTEs over five years. Of these, 368 FTEs are vacancies. A deficit of 10 percent.
  3. The Gelderse Vallei (including Amersfoort, Barneveld, Wageningen) will have employment of 1889 FTE in five years. Of these, 191 FTEs are vacancies. A deficit of 10 percent.

Without measures, the teacher shortage will rise to a national average of 2025 percent in 13, according to the report a letter from Minister Jet Bussemaker and State Secretary Sander Dekker to the Lower House in June 2017. That is more than 10.000 full-time jobs.

Silent reserve

Centerdata works with intake figures and expects that about half of the 'new' teachers come from the so-called silent reserve every year. These are people who do have a teaching qualification, but who no longer work in education. The other half of the intake will be PABO graduates.

Lower workload

According to the AOb The teacher shortage was partly caused by poor working conditions. A better salary and lower work pressure should ensure that people want to become and remain teachers as quickly as possible now and in the future. Together with the other organizations united in PO-front, the AOb therefore a national strike on Thursday 5 October.

Education magazine

In the new Education magazine that will be published on Tuesday, the editorial team will analyze six ways to attract more teachers and indicate how promising or disadvantaged these are. Individual initiatives such as those currently deployed by governments or administrations do not come out as very promising.

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