
LAKS monitor: VMBO and practical education students do not feel safe

VMBO students and students in practical education feel less safe at school than students in HAVO or VWO. This is evident from the biennial monitor of the Landelijk Aktie Komitee Scholieren (LAKS), which was filled in by 75 pupils and presented to education minister Arie Slob today.

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Image: LAKS Monitor 2018

In total, 70 percent of secondary school students indicate that they feel safe at school. There is, however, a difference between the school types. For example, only 56 percent of VMBO students indicate that they are satisfied with the safety at school. In practical education, at 48 percent, this is slightly less than half. The percentage is higher in HAVO and VWO at 72 and 84 percent.


Also, VMBO students (17 percent) and students from practical education (20 percent) are particularly dissatisfied with the atmosphere and quality of life at school. One in ten students in practical education indicates that they have been bullied in the past three months. The action committee noted this as one of the striking results the monitor. Certainly because it has not improved in the past two years, while since 2015 schools have been obliged by law to work on social safety and to reduce bullying. The LAKS is shocked by these figures and will pay extra attention in the coming years to social safety and bullying at pre-vocational schools and at practical schools.

In the State of Education report, the Education Inspectorate concluded that the VMBO was doing better. However, the LAKS does not see this reflected in their research. Pupils from pre-vocational secondary education are actually more dissatisfied with many subjects than other pupils. This concerns, for example, participation, the educational facilities and the quality of life and atmosphere.

LAKS chairman Anouk Gielen said against the NOS that the monitor will refocus the discussion about segregation in education. Vmbo students would go to school with more pleasure if the atmosphere at school is improved, there is more attention for motivation, there is more variation in the lessons and the students have more say, according to the monitor.


The satisfaction survey also paid attention to teachers. Students are generally satisfied with this: 71 percent give a positive assessment. That is a small increase compared to two years ago when it was 69 percent. Pre-university students and first graders are the most positive about their teacher.

In particular, the professional knowledge of teachers, the extent to which teachers treat students with respect and are open to questions from students, students find it good. They judge that most positively. They are less satisfied with the variety of lessons and only slightly more than half of the students, 52 percent, think the explanation of their teacher is good. Many students also think that the lessons do not fit well with current events: 22 percent are satisfied with this.

Read in all the results the satisfaction survey of the LAKS.

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