
The Chamber wants more bridging trajectories for HBO graduates

The House of Representatives finds it unacceptable that some 30 percent of all university master's programs do not offer bridging programs to HBO students. Access to higher education would be at risk.

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Almost one in three university master's degrees is not accessible to HBO students, the Education Inspectorate reported last month. The differences between institutions are significant: Leiden University and the University of Amsterdam keep their doors closed to HBO students in half of the master's programs, while in Eindhoven and Wageningen they can in principle go to all master's programs.

How is that possible, the Chamber of Minister Van Engelshoven wants to know. From the point of view of equality of opportunity, a smooth transition from higher professional education to academic higher education is important, according to the political groups. Isn't it time for an 'accessibility committee', D66 suggests.

Many higher vocational education students are not welcome, especially for master's programs in the fields of health, language & culture and law. In addition, they are often small or very large masters that do not offer switching courses. The same goes for the research masters. Several groups wonder how all these differences can be explained.

Many higher vocational education students are not welcome, especially for master's programs in the fields of health, language & culture and law


Van Engelshoven said earlier that she wants to clarify the articles of law on bridging programs so that students know their rights and institutions their duties. But according to GroenLinks, that does not help. The law is clear enough and must simply be obeyed. "Is the minister going to actively enforce that universities offer sufficient transition courses?"

Furthermore, according to Van Engelshoven, it is not the intention that higher vocational education students are by definition not welcome to a master's program, but that does not mean that everyone can start a master's degree just like that. It only applies to students who can update the missing knowledge within a reasonable period of time. But who decides that, D66 now wants to know from the minister. And who actually assesses the entry requirements?


GroenLinks thinks that more masters will offer a bridging track if universities receive money for it. Now the institutions are responsible for those costs themselves. The SP also wants the minister to pay for the bridging programs.

In any case, the Van Rijn committee does not see anything in this regard. This committee came last week with a recommendation for the redistribution of the education budget, stating that institutions are jointly responsible for a good flow between sectors. They have to work together intensively and come up with solutions for this, says Van Rijn.

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