
The House wants the minister to map out a teacher shortage

A majority of the House of Representatives wants Minister Arie Slob (ChristenUnie) to keep a national record of which emergency measures schools are taking due to the teacher shortage and the severity of the school drop-outs.

Tekst Karen Hagen - Redactie Onderwijsblad - - Minder dan een minuut om te lezen


Image: Pixabay

This became clear during the votes in the House this afternoon. A majority agreed the motion by Member of Parliament Peter Kwint (SP), which he submitted together with Groenlinks and the PvdA. In the motion, the parties ask the minister for a national registration of the teacher shortage. The motion made it to the House because government party D66 voted with the opposition.

Last May pleaded AObdirector Eugenie Stolk already for a national registration of the teacher shortage so that it becomes visible how big the problems are. Stolk wants the Education Inspectorate to keep track of the emergency measures that schools are taking and how often unauthorized people are in front of the classroom. Behind this call van Stolk, a parliamentary majority is now joining.


Until now, the teacher shortage has only been tracked at the website by teacher Eddy Erkelens. This site only included the emergency measures of schools that they themselves passed on to Erkelens. "The shortage of teachers is greater than is currently visible," said Stolk in May. The seriousness of the problems only becomes clear with a national registration from the ministry.

It is now up to Minister Slob to make a statement about the wishes of the House.

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