
Legal advice: Who does what with unemployment benefits?

Employees who lose their jobs and apply for unemployment benefits will have to deal with various parties. Which parties are they?

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Anissa Khattabi works as a social security policy advisor at the AOb. She explains which parties you will be dealing with.

1. Employer

Employers in education are self-insurers for unemployment benefits. As a result, a teacher or educational assistant who becomes unemployed will have to deal with his ex-employer in the first place. Anissa Khattabi: “Those who finance are legally responsible for reintegration into the labor market. This means that your employer must not only check whether you have applied sufficiently, but must also actually encourage you to find work, for example through guidance, education and job application training. ”

2. UWV

Benefits agency UWV awards and pays out the benefits. “A settlement with your employer takes place in the background.” UWV also plays a role in requests for exemption and sanctions. “For a temporary exemption from the obligation to apply for a course, for example, you submit a request to the UWV, but the employer almost always advises the UWV about this. And your employer can report culpable behavior to the UWV, after which the UWV will decide whether the report will lead to a sanction as a discount on your benefit. ”

3. WW-plus and APG

Education has an extra-statutory unemployment benefit. “WW-plus implements this for MBO and primary and secondary education. APG does this in higher professional education. They do not have a reintegration task. ”

4. Participation fund

Employers in primary education pay contributions to the Participation Fund, which reimburses the benefit costs to these employers under certain conditions. “The Participation Fund does have a reintegration task,” explains Khattabi. “This means that you have to go to meetings, follow a reintegration process and receive an individual plan as soon as your employer registers you.”

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