
Legal advice: Am I entitled to a day off?

One primary school teacher marries a niece, the other has herself been married for 25 years and the third has the transfer of her house. All three have the same question: do I get a day off?

Tekst Jaan van Aken - Redactie Onderwijsblad - - Minder dan een minuut om te lezen

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The answer for the house handover is a definite yes. An employer should grant paid leave for 'very special personal circumstances that occur during working hours', is stated in the CLA. “The explanation shows that the transfer of a house is also included”, explains Wim Gulitz of the Information and Advice Center of the AOb.

The questions about marriages are less straightforward to answer. The CLA only includes a day off for a marriage in the first or second degree, and a niece falls under the third degree. And automatically paid leave no longer applies to a wedding anniversary. “That has been removed from the collective labor agreement since 2007. She is entitled to unpaid leave, ”says Gulitz.

Nevertheless, both teachers can request their employer to be allowed to celebrate the festivities on paid leave. After all, they can also invoke very personal circumstances that arise during working hours. “The explanation states that you get a paid day off to attend a wedding of a good friend. That also applies to a niece, you may assume. The wedding anniversary can also appeal to this. But you cannot enforce this leave, this is at the discretion of the director ”, says Gulitz.

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