Isaac Beeckman in Kapelle as fourth SvPO school 'very weak'

The School for Personal Education (SvPO) in Kapelle, Zeeland, has been given the designation 'very weak' by the Education Inspectorate. The Isaac Beeckman Academy, as the oldest of the eight SvPO schools is originally called, is therefore the fourth to be declared very weak.

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Image: Editors Education Magazine

In May it was announced that the inspection in Kapelle quality research carried out after possible risks had come to light. The verdict has not yet been made public by the inspectorate, but came to Outside via the PZC on the basis of a letter that the board has sent to parents. An information meeting has been set up for tonight.

Hein van Asseldonk, appointed as supervisor within the interim board, sees the judgment largely as a legacy of the past. “As a board, we have been involved in this since June and are dealing with problems that arose before that time. We have been working hard to address shortcomings, but it is inevitable that an investigation by the Inspectorate has a certain lag effect.”

He points, among other things, to the connection with the regional partnership for appropriate education and the functioning of the participation council. There is also criticism from the Inspectorate of student care. “We are working hard to fix things that were not right. Student care is an essential part of education, but it was not in the educational concept of these schools."

Clean ship

Under the heading 'Learning to improve', support and guidance for teachers has been brought in through education consultancy B&T. Earlier on all the SvPO schools in Hoorn, Amsterdam and Utrecht were (twice) rated very weak. The Inspectorate has recently conducted remedial investigations at these schools to assess whether the problems have been addressed and whether education has improved sufficiently. These studies have not yet been made public.

On the recommendation of the Ministry of Education, a five-person interim board was established last summer appointed - with three executive and two supervisory directors - which has to clean up at the Schools for Personal Education. They took over from founder Misha van Denderen, who had to resign after a damning inspection report on financial maladministration. According to the Inspectorate, 16 million euros in education money has been unlawfully put into four school buildings. The property has been placed in the hands of a private foundation managed by Van Denderen. The inspection deed complaint against the former driver.

Read also the other articles about the Schools for Personal Education on this site.

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