
Craving a boyfriend

There is a new film from the makers of 'Miss Kiet's children'. 'You are my friend' is about Branche, a Macedonian boy who has only recently arrived in the Netherlands.

Tekst Nienke Colijn - Het Onderwijsblad - - Minder dan een minuut om te lezen


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“When we were recording Miss Kiet, there was a little boy that caught our eye, he was a bit lonely, the only Macedonian student and he had a hard time talking. The industry yearned for a friend and tried so hard for it, ”says Peter Lataster, director of both films.
The industry makes friends with the Syrian Ayham: by building blocks together with a few words of Dutch. Despite the language barrier, a friendship grows between the boys.

"In order to become pleasant creatures, we need friends," says Lataster, "as a child you are still learning that and that involves trial and error." In this true film, to which no interview or commentary has been added, the children are central. You can see that in the way it was filmed. At eye level you get to see the whole story from the perspective of the children.

'You are my friend' by directors Petra and Peter Lataster can be seen in various film theaters from November 22, 2018.

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