
'House shortage increases teacher shortage in major cities'

The great shortage of houses for starters increases the teacher shortage in the major cities. That says AOb-chairman Tamar van Gelder, who is present today with many colleagues from education at the housing protest in Amsterdam.

Tekst Rob Voorwinden - redactie onderwijsblad - - Minder dan een minuut om te lezen


Photos: AOb

According to the demonstrators, housing is becoming increasingly difficult for many people to afford. Especially for starters on the labor market who need social rental housing and affordable starter homes. Both are hardly available - certainly not in the big cities. "Hundreds of thousands of people are on waiting lists for years, house prices are skyrocketing," said the organizers of the action.

Starting teachers can no longer afford housing in the city

Moreover, the shortage of affordable housing increases the teacher shortage in the large cities, adds Van Gelder. At the moment it is already very difficult to find new teachers for schools with many disadvantaged students, the . pointed out researchers at Centerdata earlier this year. “The situation will not improve if starting teachers can't even afford a house in the same city as their school,” says Van Gelder.


Daily director Thijs Roovers of the AOb experienced the housing shortage. “I lived in Amsterdam in the neighborhood where my school was located. I met my students in the supermarket, parents could approach me on the street for a chat.”

However, due to the housing shortage, Roovers had to move to Zaandam. “I lived in Amsterdam with my girlfriend and my son in a 50 square meter apartment. That was really too small. We did look for another home in Amsterdam, but that really didn't work out financially.”

Law enforcement

And that situation does not only apply to teachers, but also to healthcare workers and police officers, says Roovers. “These professions are the cement of society. What will happen if those people will all leave the city because there are no houses?”

The housing protest is the start of actions against the housing shortage across the country. The next action is the residential stand in Rotterdam, on October 17.

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