
"Recharged with new energy you return to work"

The national kindergarten teacher congress Young Child on April 11 is coming up again. Brenda Poortvliet from Aduard, Groningen, was the very first teacher to register for the second year in a row.

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Brenda Poortvliet

Source: Jan Anninga

First twice; what enthusiasm!
"Is not it. Last year it was a wonderfully inspiring day. I saw the advertisement in the Education Magazine last fall and registered immediately. ”

Tell me about yourself.
“I have been working in education for sixteen years, of which the last ten years as a kindergarten teacher. Always in schools around Groningen. After the teacher training college I traveled with my boyfriend for a while, including three months in India. Now I live together, little house-tree-creature and two children aged 9 and 5. Absolutely wonderful! ”

Pre-schoolers at work and at home in the little ones?
“I see having children of my own as an added value for this work. If you really understand and feel what parents in my class mean, it will give you a deeper understanding than if you only have knowledge of books. ”

What do you remember about last year's conference?
“A super fun workshop from Springzaad on how to make schoolyards more attractive. We will have a new earthquake-resistant school next year. At the Springzaad workshop I got a lot of inspiration about more greenery, water, vegetable garden, trees and height differences in the schoolyard. If it is up to me, we will go that way with our new square. So that the children will come home dirty every day. ”

What else?
“The information market is also so inspiring. For example, I bought a set of philosophy cards there. The questions on those cards are a tool for philosophizing with the toddlers about everything. Talk without immediately judging everything. ”

That day will be full without my talk. It's just a very nice day with teachers among themselves.

It seems to me that you have signed up for 'Smarter in the sandbox' for the upcoming edition?
“That's right, you can combine playing in the sandbox, for example, with making simple sums. I also attend the workshop 'Mindfulness for young children'. This seems a bit contradictory, because if you let them play in the sandbox carefree, mindfulness may not be necessary. But I see that a little differently. The 'format' within which a class operates is quite tight. Those young children already need so much. I hope to learn on April 11 to be smarter about everything that has to be done. So that there is more space during the week to, for example, also listen to the silence within yourself. Or to play outside more often. ”

Finally, do a commercial talk for the big national kindergarten teacher day.
“That day will be full even without my talk. It's just a very nice day with teachers among themselves. Because men walk around sporadically. Reloaded with new energy and ideas, you return to work. Here at the primary school 't Groenland in Zuidwolde it is of course twice as loud. Because the two of us are going to gain inspiration. ”

The Third Congress of AOb and Het Jonge Kind will be held on April 11 in Spant in Bussum. Go to / young child2018

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