
Hans Nieuwkerk new AObmain driver

Former primary school teacher Hans Nieuwkerk has been elected as the new main administrator today. He represents the pensioners on the board of the AOb.

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Statue: AOb

Nieuwkerk has worked for almost XNUMX years as a primary school teacher. And has been a member of the AOb and its predecessor Abop. Within the AOb was Nieuwkerk trade union consultant and chairman of the sector council and sector board for primary education. In addition, he has been a mr and gmr member for almost his entire working life.


Nieuwkerk believes that the post-active members are within and outside the AOb in a more positive way. “I have stood for election to be able to contribute as actively as possible to change in the AOb, but certainly also a change among the post-active. I think my qualities lie in listening to people and trying to empower them. ”

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