
Gorinchem's Anne Frank school stops eating treats

The public primary school Anne Frank has a new treat policy: students no longer hand out an edible treat. Instead, they treat their classmates to a chosen group activity. "The decision was taken with the teacher team," says school director Hellen Blom. "Edible treats presented quite a few problems and dilemmas."

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birthday treat

Image: Pixabay

In the latest newsletter of September, the school announces the news surrounding the treats. "We have decided as a team that a birthday boy or girl does not bring any more treats to hand out," he said is in the newsletter. The school does emphasize that they will continue to celebrate the birthdays: classmates sing for the birthday boy or girl and the preschoolers make a birthday hat.

Food intolerance

Schools no longer bring along treats, such as sweets or fruit. “We have looked for another way to put a child in the limelight on his birthday. As far as I know it is one of the first schools in the region ”, says school director Blom. The treats provided the teachers with extra thinking. For example, several children have an allergy, food intolerance or illness. “I have three epi pens at school,” says Blom. “With these students you have to pay close attention to the food. There are also children where teachers are often in doubt about a treat what can and cannot be done and whether extra insulin should be injected. ”


There was also discussion about what is now a healthy treat and treats were quite often thrown away because students do not like them or do not like them. “The teacher team was overloaded with treats that did not always show up. We thought it was a waste and a waste of food, while the parents' intention is so good. ” In addition, Blom points to the inequality that arose between students. “We saw patterns of 'and-and-and' emerge,” says the principal. The school also emphasizes this in the newsletter: children without treats had an off day instead of a holiday, the letter states.


The school therefore took a decision together with the teachers and the student council. From this school year onwards, students decide which activity they want to do with their class. “We ask them: what do you want to treat us to, it's your day,” says Blom. It could be anything. “For example, fill in ten minutes of gym class or someone wanted to play a game with the class. The pre-schoolers have a partition and then the birthday boy or girl can choose from blowing bubbles, walking the polonaise, decorating the chair or handing out stickers. ”

According to the school director, things have gone smoothly so far. “A child who had never been treated radiated. Now everyone can participate. ”

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