
Nominees announced for Academy Kiss 2020

The nominees for the annual Academy Kiss Award have been announced. Thanks to the merger with the Vawo, the AOb from now on, this prize will be awarded annually on Valentine's Day to someone who has dedicated himself to the academic world in a special and courageous way.

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Statue: algemene Onderwijsbond

This year's prize is all about one theme, namely social safety. Not all universities have a socially safe working environment. It is important that employees dare to raise this and that takes courage, especially if it can damage your career.

The nominees for 2020 are:

  • Laura Steenbergen, Roberta Sellaro and Bryant Jongkees. These three whistleblowers came together to discuss the years of scientific misconduct of a prominent researcher at Leiden University
  • Mary Naezer conducted research into harassment for the National Network of Women Professors (LNVH). It ensured that various universities then set to work on improving social safety
  • Olav Velthuis started a petition against the decision of Erasmus University Rotterdam to have employees' mailboxes investigated in response to a plagiarism story in the media

The winner will be next Friday at 11.30:XNUMX am on the AObheadquarters. In 2018, Rens Bod, initiator of WO in Actie (2018) won the Academy Kiss. Last year, the chairs were Geert ten Dam (UvA) and Mirjam van Praag (VU).

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