No QR code, but a mouth cap in MBO and higher education

Students and employees of universities and colleges will have to wear a face mask again from Saturday when they walk through the buildings. If you fail to do so, you risk a fine of 95 euros.

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face masks-mbo-and-ho

Image: Pixabay

This was announced by the cabinet on Tuesday evening. The face masks are mandatory in MBO and higher education "when people walk from A to B, so in the corridors, libraries and canteens, between lessons and lectures," said Prime Minister Rutte. in the classroom or lecture hall).”

The number of hospital admissions is rising again, especially among the unvaccinated. That is why outgoing Prime Minister Rutte and outgoing Minister De Jonge (Public Health) announced all kinds of new corona measures.


For example, everyone is again advised to keep a distance of one and a half meters. This is an advice, colleges and universities do not have to adjust their education, the Ministry of Education said. "Education is so important that it has been decided to leave it untouched," says spokesman Michiel Hendrikx. "If you can keep a meter and a half away in a lecture hall or the canteen, then do so. But if you are in a work group and you can't, then good education is more important than the one and a half meters."

The face masks are mandatory in MBO and higher education "when people walk from A to B

In addition, the corona ticket will soon be used more often, for example on terraces, in museums, at fairs, at gyms and so on. But the two ministers said nothing about admission tickets for MBO and higher education.

No QR code

Students therefore do not have to show a QR code on campus. In the run-up to the press conference, it was leaked that the cabinet was considering such a corona admission ticket for the campus. That possibility is already in the law.

But universities and colleges have practical and principled objections to it. They fear for the accessibility of education and also argue that it is not feasible to check everyone.

Students do not have to show a QR code on campus

However, it may be possible for employers to ask their employees for a QR code. This could have consequences for unvaccinated employees in higher education.

Law amended

But for that to happen, the law must first be amended. Next Friday there will be a new press conference and then Rutte and De Jonge will announce whether they still think these legislative changes are necessary.

People are also being urged again to work from home if possible, at least half of the working week. Furthermore, it is better for them to travel outside rush hour, advises the cabinet.

The following still applies: anyone with complaints must stay at home and have themselves tested at the GGD. This also applies to those who have been vaccinated. Also, people should still not shake hands.


At present, 13 percent of adults have not yet been vaccinated, De Jonge said. He hopes people will want to reconsider. “Know that you are always welcome with all your questions.”

also look at our frequently asked questions about the corona virus.

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