
No new scholarship PhD students at the Faculty of Law of Groningen

The Faculty of Law of the University of Groningen (RUG) is not going to appoint new scholarship PhDs for the time being. The Faculty Board thinks that their legal position is too similar to regular PhD students.

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The faculty is thus responding to what was published in December manifest of more than 200 scholarship PhDs who still want to become employees. For current grant PhD students in law, any compensation is now being considered. reports the UKrant of the RUG.

With its decision, the law faculty does not only distance itself from the vision of the overarching one graduate school of the university, but also of the national experiment in PhD education. About 850 PhD students in Groningen are currently participating in this. They are not employees but students, and receive a grant equal to the net salary of a regular first-year PhD student. They do not accrue pension and are not covered by the collective labor agreement.


Earlier this month, Minister Van Engelshoven warned the RUG against lawsuits if the difference between scholarship PhDs and regular PhD students would become too small. It seems that the law faculty has taken this to heart.

In any case, the faculty will improve the information provision for PhD students and supervisors. Everyone should realize that scholarship PhDs cannot be forced to teach.

Good example

PhD candidates Netwerk Nederland is happy with the news. “Fortunately, there is at least one faculty board at the RUG that realizes that there is no difference between scholarship PhDs and regular PhD students,” says chair Lucille Mattijssen. "We hope that a good example leads to a good follow."

We hope that good example leads to good follow

She thinks it is no coincidence that this is precisely what happens at the law faculty. "Apparently people realize that scholarship PhDs could be proved right if this is fought in court."

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