
No country in Europe has a Dutch salary gap

The Dutch salary gap between primary school teachers and their colleagues in secondary education is a major exception in Europe. Outside Europe, Costa Rica and Mexico are the only countries in the world where inequality is greater than in the Netherlands.

Tekst Michiel van Nieuwstadt - Redactie Onderwijsblad - - Minder dan een minuut om te lezen

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That picture emerges the latest salary comparison of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), based on figures from 33 countries from the year 2015.

In the Netherlands the salary difference is 25,6 percent; in almost all other European countries, inequality is limited to less than 10 percent. The only country that comes any close to the Netherlands is Spain with 11,6 percent. The graphic below shows the salary differences between primary and secondary education per country.


The OECD compares the gross salary in official salary tables for teachers with fifteen years of experience in primary education and in the lower years of secondary education.

There are no differences in countries such as Portugal, Germany and Norway. The difference is minimal in Denmark (less than 2 percent), Sweden (just over 2 percent) and the United States (less than 3 percent).

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