
Are we going on strike yet? The frequently asked questions and answers

There is great enthusiasm to take action for more salary and less work pressure, especially in primary education. All kinds of stories about strikes are circulating on social media. The AOb is happy with the momentum, but sees striking as the ultimate means of action.

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For the time being, the association therefore chooses to work together with the signatories of the manifesto to influence the formation process. If the coalition agreement is not sufficient to make education future-proof, then the AOb calls its members to strike. The willingness to take action is greatest in primary education at the moment, but the AOb does not exclude that members who work in secondary education or vocational education will also be called upon if a subsequent cabinet does not come up with concrete investments. But what about actions and strikes?

De AOb is already going on strike?

We are not ruling out anything, but let's not get ahead of ourselves. This morning we published the results of our research into the willingness to take action among 5001 people working in education. This shows a great willingness to take action: 91 percent want to do 'something' if no significant investments in primary education are announced. Most sympathy goes out to a strike, especially in primary education.

What if it comes from a strike and I am not a member of a union?

Striking is a fundamental right: you don't have to be a member of a trade union to step down and use the ultimate means of action. Only: those who are not a member must be prepared to accept the personal consequences of taking part in a strike. For example, an employer can cut your salary: after all, you are not working. Possible legal consequences are also for your own account.

But I am a member of the AOb.

Ordered before AObmembers, legal aid is arranged for the duration of the strike declared by the union. In addition, the AOb about a resistance fund with which strikers can partly compensate for their lost salary. This compensation is usually lower than the lost salary. The exact amounts, possible travel costs to strike locations, etc. will be announced as soon as the decision to strike is made.

So anyone can just quit work?

No. Only a union can call for a strike. Teaching staff who would respond to a strike from an action group such as 'PO in Actie' can be called upon by an unwilling board because of refusal to work. In such a so-called 'wildcat strike', the rule is that any participating members of the AOb cannot rely on the legal aid that trade union membership normally offers.

Can a union declare a strike just like that?

Unfortunately. The legitimacy of a strike can be tested by an employer or other stakeholders in court. In the case of strike actions in primary and secondary education, extra rigorous testing applies because of the consequences for school-age pupils: among other things, the care options for pupils who would otherwise be taught are examined.

I heard AOb also about the option of a demonstration. What's the difference with a strike?

A 'demo' takes place outside of class time. The work does not have to be laid down for it and you avoid the risk of a strike test by the judge. This means that as a campaigner you will not miss out on a salary and that the AOb no need to rely on the resistance fund. Do come AOb-members who have to travel far to participate in the demonstration are eligible for a travel allowance. Demonstrations often serve as a prelude to a strike: in the run-up to the strike against cuts in appropriate education in 2012, a demonstration was organized in Nieuwegein. More than 10 colleagues from all over the country participated.

When will I know what the next step will be?

De AOb is one of the signatories of the manifesto of 'PO in Actie'. It lays down the agreement that we will make political The Hague heard loud and clear that the salary must be raised to a level that is comparable to that of colleagues in secondary education. Moreover, we have to get rid of the excessively high workload: an average working week of almost 47 hours in primary education is at the expense of the quality of the lessons. If an ultimate coalition agreement does not contain concrete steps to arrive at a lasting solution to both problems, the chance of a strike is high. By then the AOb also a much more extensive list of 'frequently asked questions', such as 'what to do about an employer who wants to prevent you from taking action', or 'do I have to register as a part-timer if I am not working at the moment of the strike?'

Until then, what can I do?

Make yourself heard on social media or talk to your boss about it: many school boards endorse the need for additional investment. Are you a member of a political party? Send your MPs our manifesto: Less workload, better education or us Salary step-by-step plan to show how serious we are when we claim 6 billion euros in additional investments. Join the discussion on the web, stir on Twitter. For the first time since the actions against cutbacks in suitable education, a society-wide sense of urgency is re-emerging when it comes to investment in education. We must hold that together.

I still have a question.

Ask him! The Information and Advice Center of the AOb can be reached via 0900-4636262.

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