
FNV fights against the abolition of dividend tax with actions

The FNV is taking action against the cabinet plan to abolish dividend tax. The union calls it an 'anti-social measure' that Prime Minister Mark Rutte (VVD) must reverse. Every week, FNV employees will take to the streets to oppose the plan. Today was the kick-off on the Plein in The Hague.

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fnv action dividend tax

Image: FNV

More than twenty FNV employees had gathered in red t-shirts at 12:XNUMX on the Plein and held signs in the air telling them to the Tax Justice website, a collaboration of civil society organizations. There is de petitie to be found against abolition of dividend tax. The FNV is calling on people to sign the petition.

FNV director Zakaria Boufangacha addressed the FNV employees from a wooden crate: "Stop abolishing the dividend tax. It's time for everyone to speak out! We can do so many great things with that money!"

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