
Extra resit opportunity for exam candidates

Pupils who take exams in secondary education are given an extra resit. These resits will take place after June 4. These are the most important changes in the pass-and-fail scheme for the exams in corona time.

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Now that the central final exams are canceled this year, it is decided on the basis of the school exams whether students have obtained their secondary education diploma. For this exceptional situation, a separate pass-fail scheme has been set up. (VMBO basic / framework, VMBO GL / TL, the air, VWO)


The arrangement differs in some respects from the usual arrangement for final exams. This year, students are allowed to take a resit for a maximum of two subjects - called a 'result improvement test'. This is an extension of the regular situation, whereby students are allowed to resit one exam. This was chosen because of the exceptional situation and the fact that some students had counted on the central exam to get their grades.

As a result, students do not suffer from the corona virus and we maintain the quality of the diploma

Pupils in VMBO basic and senior can normally take two resits (the profession-oriented profile subject and one pre-vocational subject). This time, they are allowed to take result improvement tests for three subjects, namely the profession-oriented profile subject and two pre-vocational subjects.
For subjects that normally do not take the central final exam, such as social studies, a result improvement test can also be taken this year.


AObdirector Henrik de Moel thinks the new scheme is fair. “Due to corona, the entire education is upside down and there was a lot of confusion among the students and their teachers. Thanks to these adjustments, we do not let the students suffer from the corona virus and we maintain the quality of the diploma. ”


Schools are also asked not to abuse the new situation. At some schools, some pupils take exams in one or more subjects in the penultimate year. There is a risk that schools will now allow an extra large number of students to make use of this option, because there are only school exams this year. The schools are asked to keep an eye on their 'own responsibility for the quality of the examination system'.


The result improvement tests may be taken after June 4, because then all school exams must be completed and the provisional result determined. Schools that really fail to meet this date must report to the inspectorate. The final result of the exams and the awarding of the diplomas must be a fact before the start of the summer holidays at the latest.

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