
New cabinet allocates extra money for teachers' salaries

The salary of primary school teachers may nevertheless increase next year. The Algemeen Dagblad reports this today. According to unnamed 'sources', the parties that are currently conducting coalition talks for a new cabinet (VVD, ChristenUnie, CDA and D66) are working on an exchange on this point with the current governing party PvdA.

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It is unclear how much money the parties want to allocate for the salary increase. In the election program, the PvdA makes money for an increase of 3,25 percent in the salaries of teachers in primary education. That costs 400 million euros per year. According to the AOb double the amount is needed, if only for the abolition of the lowest salary scale LA in primary education. In addition, the union is demanding an increase in salaries in other sectors and money to structurally reduce the workload.

According to the AOb double the amount is needed, if only for the abolition of the lowest salary scale LA in primary education.

Outgoing Prime Minister Mark Rutte (VVD) is currently negotiating a new cabinet, but must also draw up a budget for 2018 with the current, outgoing cabinet. Intended coalition partner D66 is spending more money in their election program than the PvdA. According to the sources in the Algemeen Dagblad VVD, CDA and ChristenUnie, the other three parties that negotiate the formation, are willing to agree to an increase in salaries in education in exchange for extra money for safety.

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