
One fifth of MBO entrants drop out within a year

Of the teachers who start working in MBO, 20 percent drop out within a year. After three years, more than 30 percent of them quit. They go to work outside of education. This has emerged from research by the Education Labor Market Fund for MBO (SOM).

Tekst Karen Hagen - Redactie Onderwijsblad - - 2 Minuten om te lezen

intake-outflow teachers


'It is important to bind qualified and motivated personnel to the sector' said the researchers. 'If we look at the newly recruited staff, this is not always the case.' They advise MBO to work on the outflow in the first years and point out that the percentage of dropouts in MBO is higher in the first years than in primary and secondary education.


AObdriver Tamar van Gelder points to the collective labor agreement which took effect in October 2018. It contains agreements especially for starters. For the first two years, they are given a 'smaller' standard annual task, which gives them time to familiarize themselves. This is a hundred hours less per academic year for a full-time job. With the reduction, they can, for example, receive coaching, follow training or spend extra time preparing lessons. Van Gelder: "We now first have to ensure that starters actually use this scheme and that starters are taken into account in the formation of the team. This concerns, for example, their lessons being replaced or time for supervision."

We now first have to ensure that starters use the scheme in the collective labor agreement and that it is taken into account in the formation

The study also shows that the share of women in MBO increased slightly between 2009 and 2015, the years studied. In the group of teachers, the percentage of women rose from 50 to 53. Among instructors there was an increase from 48 to 55 percent.


The origin of teachers and the outflow in the MBO sector is very dynamic and 'diverse in character', according to the researchers. Many teachers entering or leaving MBO come from or end up in another sector. A quarter of the teachers who entered in 2015 still worked in the business world, healthcare or a sector other than education a year earlier. This has to do with the fact that for many MBO courses there is no specific teacher training. One year after teachers leave MBO, 33 percent have a job outside MBO. Half of this group is between 35 and 54 years old. The researchers point out that this group is interesting when a teacher shortage would arise.

According to the researchers, a total of 2015 people worked in MBO in 54.230. At that time, more than half of the workforce consisted of teachers, almost 2100 people had a position as instructor.

View all results in this report from SOM.

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