
Lecturer fired due to exam fraud

The Koning Willem I College has fired a teacher for adjusting the exam results of twelve students.

Tekst Nienke Colijn - Redactie Onderwijsblad - - Minder dan een minuut om te lezen


image: TechniekBeeldbank

“The competence tests of these twelve students were changed by the teacher because he did not agree with the assessment of the examiners,” says Jeanette Noordijk, chairman of the executive board of the roc in Den Bosch. “The teacher has been fired for making changes to the assessment. He had also communicated grades to students when that was not allowed. ”

It is exam fraud and that is simply not allowed

The twelve students who have been duped by this teacher's action will now receive a lower grade or have to retake an exam. While the teacher did the right thing to help the students. “He is very involved with the students, there is also no self-interest, but it is exam fraud and that is simply not allowed,” says Noordijk of the Koning Willem I College.


How could this have happened?
“The forms have to be collected and taken from one desk to another and the teacher has adjusted the forms in the meantime,” says Noordijk.

There are no indications that it occurs more often, but the Executive Board is err on the side of caution. “We are responsible for the quality and therefore want an independent investigation to see if it has not happened more often. The teacher, who also confessed, said it only happened to these twelve. ”

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