Discussion about splitting up teacher training qualifications

The cabinet is working on a plan to split the teacher training college into two courses: one for the young and one for the older child. The reactions are variable. "We are going to discuss the bill submitted by the minister on this subject - and the upcoming conclusions of the Educational Competences Committee - further with our members," says AObdriver Jelmer Evers.

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According to an bill on which until the end of January commentaar can be delivered, two new powers will be added to education: one for the education of the young child and one for the education of the older child.

In addition, the Educational Competences Committee will shortly issue an advice. This advice will concern more than just the powers for primary education, but it is expected that the division of the Pabo powers will be part of it. The timing of this bill surprises the AOb. “Just before Christmas, the cabinet will hold a consultation about a bill,” says AObdriver Jelmer Evers. "That consultation is open until February 1, while everyone is eagerly awaiting the first advice of the Educational Authorities Committee."

And there is a great risk that school boards will hire mainly broadly trained teachers, because of the broad employability

The split of the PABO competence had already been included in the coalition agreement, and its implementation was once again hammered out by the House of Representatives last year. The AOb was not in favor of such a split up until now, says Evers. “Due to the splitting of the current teacher training competence, teachers are less versatile. You reduce the possibilities to fill in when a colleague is ill. And in case of shrinkage or reorganization you are less widely available for relocation, which reduces your job security. ”


If the bill is passed, there will soon be three powers in primary education: one for the young child, one for the older child and one for the young and old child. Evers: “Which teacher would you like to have in front of the class as a school? Will there soon be classes that have a specialized teacher or master and other classes with unspecialized teachers and masters? There is a great risk that school boards will hire in particular broadly trained teachers, because of the broad employability. ”

And maybe, even as a boy, you are suddenly captivated by nursery education

The main reason behind the plan for splitting up the powers is that the teacher training college will then become more attractive to boys. Those boys can then skip everything that has to do with the education of toddlers in their education. AObmembers who teach at the teacher training college nuanced that story. Evers. “They emphasized the importance of everyone completing an internship in pre-primary education. Because you learn so much from it. And maybe, even as a boy, you are suddenly captivated by pre-school education. There are plenty of masters who enjoy being in grades 1 and 2 - and plenty of teachers in grade 8. ”

Kindergarten teachers

On the other hand, there is within the AOb discussion has arisen about education in groups 1 and 2. The survey on educational qualifications shows that a majority of the participants support a separate competence for the young child, but a majority also value broad employability. Kindergarten teachers and school teachers, on the other hand, attach much less value to broad employability than teachers in groups 3-8.

“In the meetings that we subsequently organized with teachers, we heard that knowledge about education for pre-school children is receiving less and less attention,” says Evers. "Too little attention is paid to the developmental psychology and language development of the young child and there is also too little practical experience."


The latter is not only the case for teacher training colleges, but also at schools. Out of the crowd online meetings can AOb and CNV organized with teachers shows it education in the lower groups is becoming increasingly formal. There is less and less room for 'playful learning', which is slowing down the development of toddlers.

These issues are discussed within the AOb talked further. Evers: “You could start with a common basis of, for example, one year and then specialize. For example, you would strengthen the current specialization 'young child', which currently already exists at many teacher training colleges. ”


If the minister and the House nevertheless decide to split the pabo into courses for two qualifications, make sure that there are fast - and free - standard pathways that allow teachers to also obtain the second qualification, says Evers. “In that case, we will at least maintain broad employability.”

Teachers are not in favor of a broad basic education for the entire foundation education

In addition to this issue, the Educational Competences Committee will soon also issue an advice. Here too, the AOb not involved. It is expected that this committee will come up with a plan for one broad basic training for all teacher training courses, with a system of specializations on top. At least this was it advice of the Education Council, on which the Teaching Authorities Committee elaborates.

Uit inquiry under AObmembers it appears that teachers are not in favor of such a broad basic training for the entire foundation education. Teachers do, however, identify bottlenecks in current education, as emerged from the survey and the online meetings. Such as the declining attention for nursery education and for teaching in special education and MBO.


As soon as the report of the Educational Authorities Committee has been published, the discussion will start within the AOb further, says Evers. "On that basis we then decide whether we should adopt a new position." Members can speak out through the various sector councils and at online meetings. Evers: “I hope that as many members as possible will join. Keep the agenda keep an eye out and especially participate. In the meantime, members can express their own opinion via the internet consultation. "


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