
This month a 2,15 percent salary increase in secondary education

Secondary education staff will receive a 2019 percent pay rise this month, June 2,15. This autumn, negotiations will start on the new collective labor agreement, which should take effect on October 1, 2019.

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Statue: AOb

AObnegotiator Henrik de Moel is currently traveling across the country to gauge what wishes AObmembers for the new collective labor agreement. “I already know two topics: salary and work pressure. Work pressure remains a problem, and I don't see how we can solve this properly without extra money coming from The Hague. ”

High workload remains a problem

In general, De Moel is increasingly concerned about the quality of education, which is coming under pressure due to teacher shortages. "I really miss the urgency from politicians to do something about this."

It has been agreed in the current collective labor agreement that teachers will teach less from the 2019-2020 school year in order to free up time for educational development. See all the main points of the current collective labor agreement here.

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