
De AOb: 'Stop test balloons from The Hague and nonsensical accountability'

Education has to spend too much time on The Hague plans and the associated accountability. This has gone overboard and must be reduced, says the AOb. How should that be done?

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Administrative burdens must be reduced in primary and secondary education. This concerns accountability, writing group plans, detailed action plans and applying for arrangements for special needs students. There are no extra costs attached.

Moderate financial support

Just like the other education sectors, MBO often has to deal with oekazes in The Hague: special projects and quality impulses often suffer from moderate financial support (if available). In addition, it costs the already heavily burdened education teams extra time: after all, their wishes must be incorporated. The AOb wants a future cabinet to be aware of the finite possibilities that education teams have in secondary vocational education and therefore asks to dose the extra projects. It must be recognized that additional wishes also require extra effort and sufficient resources must be available.

Trial accreditations and reports

The accountability circuit that accompanies the current accreditation of higher education creates a lot of work for lecturers and support staff. Many colleges do trial accreditations and require a lot of reporting, which puts a serious strain on staff. This could be improved by streamlining the accreditation. There are no further costs associated with this.

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